Friday, August 29, 2008

Christmas Card Fun

Last night I had a bit of fun sketching Christmas card ideas. I've shown the sketch I started with as well as the colored version of the same sketch. I had fun, and am quite happy with the final look of this one. I have several Christmas sketches in progress, and may post a few of those later.

Hope you enjoy my happy bears!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

G is for Giraffe and Goose

Here's a sketch I did for the Noah project.  Well, okay, it started with the Noah project... I began illustrating the letters for Noah's name, as a gift for his nursery.  Like I always do, I got carried away and started illustrating more of the alphabet.  This is one of my favorite sketches for this project.  I haven't started coloring these yet. I don't even have the whole alphabet sketched out yet.  But I'm enjoying the process and hope you do too!  Oh, and if you have any brilliant ideas for the letters U and X, please do let me know.  Unicorns aren't technically a real animal. And X?  It appears God didn't create any animals that begin with the letter X...

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Fishy Project

For a recognition project at work, all designers were asked to illustrate fish.  Yes, fish.  Odd, I know, but that's the corporate world.  So fish I illustrated.  I tried to get a few different perspectives, and experimented more with color. For fish, they're fairly fun.  They make me smile, and I hope they make you smile too.  Enjoy a fishy moment...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A birthday moose and a thank you

For my daughter's birthday card this year I drew a moose carrying her presents. I thought it might make her grin. I am still experimenting with color, and though I'm not 100% satisfied, I think he was a good attempt.

As a thank you note for some friends who were far too generous for my birthday, I drew this silly turtle opening gifts. He's happy, if a bit overwhelmed. Not a perfect drawing, but another fun experiment in color.

For those that don't know, I've always drawn in pencil and ink, but never colored my sketches. This is something I'm having fun with, and hope to master so I can move forward with a bigger project.